
Ramblings For Real

I must have channeled my inner Nostradamus when I chose this flat… Cause now with this situation we in… I never have to leave my building.. There’s a clicks and Spar here…supper blessed…

I just need people to STOP bulk buying… Cause today… There was no toilet paper and I had to go to the public toilet… And steal one…my neighbors already think I’m shady…like I honestly did NOT mean to accidentally take a drying cloth out of the dryer… When I tried returning it… She just wouldn’t open the door for me.. So I kept it… Don’t come ask me now…. 10 years down the line for it… Cause you bored and spring cleaning… It’s mine now and I like it…

Anyway…. Suppose I do understand why everyone would do this action of bulk buying… It’s just the uncertainty of it all…

Obviously I have an opinion on this Pandemic… But The colours on the magic cube in my brain just haven’t quite aligned as yet… I’m binge watching the Nuremberg trials and ive watched genius…I’ve always been obsessed with Einstein.. season 1 is he’s life story… All very interesting in relation to what’s happening…

I’ve created this little zen space with the full intention of starting my yoga again..

Thank God Zuma’s not the president… Cause Lord help us… We’d be taking 10 showers a day right now.

Please just stay in doors and don’t be a rebel… And never stop laughing ever…

Cat x